About Our Programs
Our programming utilizes a variety of educational tools such as hands-on activities, critical thinking, technology and inquiry-based pedagogies to foster a deeper understanding of wildlife conservation, inspire curiosity about the natural world, and empower learners to become active stewards of the environment. Please see the list below for what ages suit which presentations based on development appropriate strategies.
Please note: Due to the stress of our wild animal patients, it is important to consider that most of our educational programming does not include live animals.
We ask that you contact us at least one month prior to the date of your event (2 to 3 months is preferred). We will schedule events up to one year in advance if possible.
If you would like to discuss your group's needs or to schedule a speaker, please let us know!
One-Hour Programs
Each year, NWR’s educators give dozens presentations to local civic, special interest, school and extra-curricular groups. We commonly work with groups such as the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Nebraska Humane Society, birding associations and nature conservancy groups to educate the public about Nebraska's native wildlife.
Educational Programs:
- Bats of Nebraska (or Iowa)
- This presentation includes an overview of basic bat biology, addresses myths and biases about bats, and introduces the a myriad of ways they benefit humans.
- Owls of Nebraska (or Iowa)
- 'Owls of Nebraska' includes an introduction to owl adaptations as well as the species that inhabit Nebraska. This program also includes a guided dissection of real owl pellets to discover firsthand what it is these feathery friends eat!
- Turtles of Nebraska
- How did turtles evolve? What is in the anatomy of a shell? This program addresses basic chelonian biology as well as an introduction to the shelled friends who call Nebraska home. 'Turtles of Nebraska' does include a visit from a live animal ambassador.
- Biophilic Backyards: Living in Support of Urban Wildlife
- Geared towards homeowners, this presentation uses ecology and conservation principles as well as critical thinking to learn about, and how to support, our nature neighbors.
- Winter Wildlife Survival Guide
- Best for a younger audience, 'Winter Wildlife' introduces the idea of basic animal adaptations and how they are used in our native wildlife to survive harsh Nebraska winters.
- Born to Be Wild- Intro to Baby Wildlife
- Spring is one of our busiest seasons- and in many ways, it is because of the misinformation surrounding how wildlife raise their young. In this program, participants will learn about about natural parenting strategies of common Nebraska wildlife and how to know if they need our help.
- Life in a Different Light: Exploring Biofluorescence
- Biofluorescence is the absorption and remission of light from certain organisms or things. Humans are able to see this 'glow' with the help of a handheld blacklight. In this program, students explore this phenomena with a presentation and associated experiments. (Presenting room must be able to get semi-dark).
- Intro to Wildlife Rehabilitation
- What do we do at NWR? What do you need to learn to become a wildlife rehabilitator? How do animal become injured? This interactive presentation tests your animal knowledge and explains in detail the rehabilitation process from intake to release.
Choosing a Program- Who is the Audience?
Elementary School
- Owls of Nebraska (additional $5 Material Fee/Student)
- Turtles of Nebraska
- Winter Wildlife Survival Guide
Middle School
- Owls of Nebraska (additional $5 Material Fee/Student)
- Turtles of Nebraska
- Born to Be Wild- Intro to Baby Wildlife
- Winter Wildlife Survival Guide
- Life in a Different Light: Exploring Biofluorescence
High School
- Owls of Nebraska (additional $5 Material Fee/Student)
- Turtles of Nebraska
- Bats of Nebraska
- Bats of Iowa
- Born to Be Wild- Intro to Baby Wildlife
- Towards Biophilic Backyards- Living in Support of Urban Wildlife (Student Version)
- Life in a Different Light: Exploring Biofluorescence
Families/Mixed Ages
- Owls of Nebraska (additional $5 Material Fee/Student)
- Turtles of Nebraska
- Born to Be Wild- Intro to Baby Wildlife
- Towards Biophilic Backyards- Living in Support of Urban Wildlife (Student Version)
- Life in a Different Light: Exploring Biofluorescence
- Turtles of Nebraska
- Bats of Nebraska
- Bats of Iowa
- Born to Be Wild- Intro to Baby Wildlife
- Towards Biophilic Backyards- Living in Support of Urban Wildlife
- Turtles of Nebraska
- Bats of Nebraska
- Bats of Iowa
- Born to Be Wild- Intro to Baby Wildlife
Six- to Eight- Week Programs
When staff is available, our education team also offers six- to eight lesson programs with a set curriculum for schools and other groups. Lessons are one hour each and most can be adapted to fit grades 4-12. Units include:
- Critter Quest
- Nocturnal Neighbors
- Winter Wildlife
- Amazing Adaptations
- Students & Stewardship
- My Work is Wild: Conservation Careers
Program Fees
Our presentation fee is $75 per 60-90 minute program. A minimum fee of $75 is charged, regardless of program length. For engagements outside of the Omaha area, please contact us for pricing.
For six- to eight-week programs, please contact us using the information below.
Contact Us
Select the button below to connect with our education team and learn how you can bring wildlife education programs to your classroom or community!