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Found a Wild Animal?


Baby Squirrels

If a baby squirrel is injured, it will need our help.  Click here for instructions on how to get it to NWRI.

If a baby squirrel is down on the ground alone and there have been no activities in the area to knock it out of the nest (i.e. storm, high winds, tree trimming) and it is easily caught by hand, it will need to be brought to NWRI for help.

If a baby squirrel is following people, dogs or cats, it is orphaned and will need to be brought to NWRI.

If there is a nest of baby squirrels and the mother is known to be dead, the babies will need to be brought to NWRI.

If a nest of baby squirrels is blown out of a tree or comes out of a tree that is cut down, place the baby squirrels and whatever is left of their nest (if anything) in a shallow cardboard box, along with a hot water bottle to keep them warm. As long as it is during the day time and it is not heavily raining, place the box as close to the base of the original tree from which it came and leave the area for several hours to give the mother the chance to return for them  If, after 4-6 hours (or after it gets dark), the baby squirrels have not been picked up by their mother, please bring the babies to NWRI.

If you find a nest of baby squirrels in your grill or under the hood of your car, place the baby squirrels and whatever is left of their nest (if anything) in a shallow cardboard box, along with a hot water bottle to keep them warm. As long as it is during the day time and it is not heavily raining, place the box as close to the grill or car from which it came and leave the area for several hours to give the mother the chance to return for them  If, after 4-6 hours (or after it gets dark), the baby squirrels have not been picked up by their mother, please bring the babies to NWRI.


Adult Squirrels

Any squirrel that is obviously injured or ill needs to be rescued. You can tell an adult squirrel is injured or ill if it is

  • Bleeding
  • Cold and still
  • Covered in flies and/or maggots
  • Easily captured by hands
  • Has open wounds or a fractured limb
  • Cannot use one or more of its legs


Mange in Squirrels

Sarcoptic mange is a common affliction in squirrels, and commonly occurs when a squirrel is immune –compromised for some other reason (starvation, illness, injury, etc.). It is characterized by hair loss and constant scratching.  Minor cases of mange can be treated in the wild by dropping medicated bait.  Severe cases of mange and cases of mange that are accompanied by other injuries or illness, will need to be treated in captivity. Please contact us for further information on treating mange.

Emergency Storm Response